The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) will notify you of the hearing decision by mail about 90 days after the hearing. Waiting for the ALJ hearing decision approval or denial can be nerve wrecking, specially when its not clear what one can expect.
The Judge’s decision will be one of the following:
- Fully favorable
- Partially favorable
- Denial
Having a disability attorney like Disability Apply on your side can make a big difference and increase your chances of approval.
Below we will discuss what each decision means and what you can do if you were denied disability benefits after an ALJ hearing.
If you or a loved one has questions about navigating the Social Security Disability process, we can help. Consider Disability Apply to represent you and complete our free no-obligation case evaluation.
Notice of Award Letter
Social Security Administration (SSA) notifies all individuals who apply for disability benefits by mail. If your disability claim was approved, you will receive an award letter and if your claim was denied you will receive a denial letter. If you are approved, the ruling could be fully favorable or partially favorable. The award letter will include:
- The date you are entitled to begin receiving your benefits,
- How much your monthly amount will be, and
- When you should expect to receive your first payment.
What Does A Fully Favorable Decision Mean?
In a standard Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), a fully favorable decision means the ALJ ruled that you cannot work due to your medical condition and agrees with your disability onset date.
Your disability onset date is the date you became disabled. The onset date is based on the date you put in your application and discussed at the hearing. It is important because it determines the amount of disability backpay you are entitled to receive.
What Does A Partially Favorable Decision Mean?
In a partially favorable decision, the ALJ finds that you are unable to work due to the disability but disagrees with your disability onset date.
This means that the judge agrees that you are disabled but not from the date you initially claimed on your application.
Furthermore, with this decision, you are entitled to monthly disability benefits, but you might not be entitled to any disability back pay, or the amount of backpay you receive will be decreased.
ALJ’s are far more likely to award a fully favorable decision to claimants represented by an experienced disability attorney.
If you disagree with the ALJ’s partially favorable decision, contact Disability Apply today for a free claim evaluation.
ALJ Hearing Denial
If you were denied after the ALJ hearing, the Judge ruled that your condition does not impede you from working.
Check out common reasons for disability denial!
In this situation, you have 60 days from the date the ALJ issues the ruling to file an appeal with the Appeals Council.
An appeal can be based on:
- New medical evidence that has become available since the hearing.
- If you believe the ALJ’s decision is incorrect and was not based on substantial evidence.
To ensure your SSDI appeal is handled correctly every step of the way, we recommend hiring an attorney from Disability Apply. We can increase your chances of approval by 75%. Plus, no out-of-pocket costs for you!
Disability Apply Can Help You After An ALJ Hearing Denial
If you are concerned about an ALJ hearing decision approval or denial, feel free to contact us for any questions you might have.
Applying for SSDI is hard, and if you have been rejected for benefits after an ALJ hearing, it can be discouraging, but do not give up! Disability Apply can review your case, file your appeal, and strengthen your claim with new or additional medical evidence.
Your chances of approval are 75% greater if you have an attorney from Disability Apply to represent you. We have worked with over 40,000 clients in the past two years alone. Contact us today for a free no-obligation claim evaluation.