Am I Considered Disabled?
The conditions that qualify for disability benefits can be difficult to figure out on your own. The Social Security Administration (SSA) maintains a list of specific conditions that will allow you to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits.
But, to determine if your individual condition reaches their threshold for qualification, you will need to demonstrate that your medical condition is a severe impairment that prevents you from sustaining work. We will help you walk through that process.
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Important Requirements For Medical Condition To Qualify
To be eligible for SSDI benefits, a claimant must prove to the SSA that they suffer from a medical condition that will result in death or has lasted or is expected to last more than 12 months. This is very important to reach the qualifications threshold because the SSA does not award benefits to people with partial disability or short-term disability.
Also, the SSA requires that a claimant’s disabling condition prevents them from completing substantial gainful activity (SGA). In other words, the condition must prevent you from being able to perform your previous employment duties and make it unmanageable to find a new line of work due to the impairment, skills, age, or education.
If you have questions about your medical condition, disability claim, or if you have been denied disability benefits before, contact us at the number above for assistance!
What Is The SSA Listing of Impairments?
If your medical condition is contained in the SSA Listing of Impairments — commonly known as the Blue Book — and your specific ailment meets their specifications, you can qualify for benefits.
The Listing of Impairments is an organized collection of medical impairments for each major body system. Includes are descriptions of the qualifications that make each impairment severe enough to prevent an individual from doing any SGA.
There are 14 different categories and hundreds of medical conditions on the list that would potentially qualify you for benefits. Below is a partial listing of mental and physical conditions:
- Musculoskeletal problems: spinal stenosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and back pain or injuries.
- Senses and speech issues: hearing and vision impairments.
- Respiratory disorders: obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and cystic fibrosis.
- Cardiovascular conditions: coronary artery disease, chronic heart failure, and valvular defects.
- Digestive problems: hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD), and liver disease
- Neurological disorders: ataxia, Parkinson’s disease, and epilepsy.
- Mental disorders: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
- Immune system disorders: lupus, HIV, MS, and autoimmune disorders.
Read this detailed listing of the most well-known and common impairments.
Each category contains conditions that can occur within that bodily system and criteria such as symptoms, medical evidence, and treatment for the condition. The list is constantly being updated to include new illnesses. There are occasions where you may qualify for disability even if your condition or an equivalent condition is not listed.
If you have a disability included on the Listing of Impairments, you should contact an experienced representative such as Disability Apply to help you apply for benefits. The requirements are not simple. If you are applying for the first time or have been denied benefits before, it is best to contact us to review your claim and assist you in this complex process.
What About the Compassionate Allowance Listings?
In addition to the Blue Book, individuals can automatically qualify for disability benefits if their medical condition is listed in the SSA Compassionate Allowance Listings (CAL).
Through CAL, claimants suffering from extremely severe medical conditions may qualify for expedited consideration of their Social Security Disability claim, reducing the waiting period for approval. CAL includes terminal illnesses, rare diseases, several types of cancers, and neurodegenerative disorders, among many other conditions. The following are only a small sample of the many qualifying conditions:
- Acute Leukemia
- Esophageal Cancer
- Cell Disease
- Ewing Sarcoma
- Adult Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Farber’s Disease
- Kidney Cancer
- Leigh’s Disease
- Breast Cancer
- Gallblader Cancer
- Lowe Syndrome
- Wolman Disease
Within each listing, experts specify the objective medical evidence and other findings needed to satisfy the criteria of that listing to qualify for expedited consideration.
What Medical Records Do You Need?
Even if you have a condition that guarantees automatic approval, you must provide supporting documentation such as medical records to have a successful claim. You will need to provide documentation such as:
- Names and addresses of all the hospitals and clinics you have visited.
- Names of the doctors and any caretakers who have treated you.
- Dates of your medical visits.
- Information about any prescription medications you are taking that relates to your condition.
You will also need to provide substantial evidence to support your condition. This should include:
- Lab and test results such as MRI and CT scans.
- Blood test results.
- X-rays.
- Records from a mental health specialist.
Most importantly, all the evidence should be recent and must cover the complete period of your disability, beginning from the first diagnosis. Furthermore, the medical records should present how your condition has limited you and reduced your ability to work.
With the proper medical evidence to confirm the diagnosis and your limitations, Disability Determination Services (DDS) will be able to confirm that you do meet their threshold and that you are incapable of working.
Does Your Condition Have Physical Or Mental Limitations?
As stated before, for your condition to qualify for SSDI benefits, you need to demonstrate your condition has physical or mental limitations that prevent you from working or transferring to a new type of job.
– Physical limitations can include a reduced ability to see, hear, pick up objects, and engage in numerous physical movements such as bending over or crouching down.
For example, if you suffer from back problems, you need to prove you have physical limitations that restrict how long you can sit, stand, walk, or move around.
– Disability claims based on mental conditions include varying degrees of mental retardation, anxiety-related conditions, and affective disorders such as depression.
For a mental condition, a person might have limitations such as an impaired ability to remember new information, recall old information, or concentrate. Generally, all these conditions limit an individual to work in some form due to their mental condition effects.
Contact Disability Apply to Increase Your Chances of Approval!
Determining what conditions qualify for SSDI benefits can be confusing. If you have questions about medical conditions, disability claims, your specific situation, or have been denied disability benefits before, reach out to Disability Apply for assistance.
We have helped disability applicants just like you increase their chances of being approved for benefits by more than 75 percent. With our help, we can help you determine the best route for your specific situation.
Contact us. There are absolutely no upfront costs for our help! We are ready to help you receive the benefits you are entitled to if your condition qualifies for disability.
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