The Social Security Administration (SSA) utilizes the Ataxia medical definition to highlight this disorder as a qualifying disability for receiving Social Security Disability benefits. If you or a loved one is impacted by Ataxia, you may be entitled to disability benefits.
If you are unsure about the qualifications for disability benefits, fill out this form or Contact us today to speak with a skilled professional about whether to apply for disability benefits.
What is the Ataxia Medical Definition?
Ataxia is a lack of muscle control or coordination of voluntary movements, such as walking and motor skills. Ataxia is usually a sign of an underlying condition, as it results from damage to the cerebellum, which is the part of your brain that controls muscle coordination.
Ataxia can be the result of a variety of conditions such as:
- Head trauma
- Stroke
- Cerebral Palsy
- Autoimmune Disease
- Infections
- Degenerative Disorders
- Abnormalities in the Brain
- Toxic reaction
There is also hereditary Ataxia in which some individuals will develop the condition if they are born with a defect in a certain gene that makes abnormal proteins.
How the SSA Views Ataxia
The Social Security Administration uses a guideline for medical conditions called the Blue Book to determine if an individual qualifies for disability benefits.
The Blue Book Section 11.00 refers to neurological disorders and defines the criteria necessary for an individual to qualify for disability benefits. This section specifically includes forms of Ataxia.
Whether you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Ataxia, we highly recommended reviewing the Blue Book eligibility guidelines with the treating doctor or neurologist to ensure that the basic requirements are met.
Working directly with a physician will help strengthen the claim for disability benefits, as ample medical evidence is the key to gaining approval.
Option for Compassionate Allowance
Another important element to consider is that the Social Security Administration identifies Ataxia in its various forms as part of its “Compassionate Allowances” list.
The Compassionate Allowances program allows the SSA to quickly process and approve certain applicants for disability benefits in less than one month.
This program has approximately 90 conditions that warrant expedited claims processing. Ataxia is included in this list due to its quick debilitation.
We Can Help with Your Disability Application
It is beneficial to understand the options for generating income when you or a loved one is diagnosed with Ataxia.
If you or someone you know is suffering from an Ataxia diagnosis, call us today to get started on the Social Security Disability application. At Disability Apply, we specialize in helping individuals receive approval for disability benefits. We will ensure that the Compassionate Allowances program is utilized to help you receive aid fast!
Our qualified team is ready to help during these difficult times and answer your questions about receiving Social Security Disability benefits. Fill out this form or contact us today to get started.