Use a Representative When Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits
If you find yourself unable to work due to injury or illness, you may be eligible to begin receiving Social Security disability benefits. Before you begin your application, it is important to know that your chances of approval increase by as much as 75 percent if you have a Social Security Disability representative assisting you throughout your application process.
Call us at the number above to speak to a disability specialist and receive assistance throughout your application process.
How Can A Social Security Disability Representative Help?
A Social Security Disability representative helps improve the chances of winning your disability case in three main ways:
- Ensures that you provide qualifying evidence of your disability.
- Works on your behalf to meet deadlines.
- Represents you at the hearing level.
Ultimately, a disability representative stays on top of each aspect of the disability application process to advance toward being awarded benefits, while helping take the stress off you during this difficult time for you and your family.
The Social Security Administration maintains a strict definition of what is considered a disability. To be considered eligible, you are required to have an injury or illness that is expected to last at least 12 months or longer or result in death.
You are also required to be under retirement age, and you must have paid FICA taxes for at least five out of the past 10 years. Once you reach retirement age, you automatically qualify for retirement benefits.
Finally, you must have earned enough work credits throughout your life to qualify. If you have questions about your eligibility, take our free evaluation or call us at the number above to speak with a qualified representative.
Apply Immediately for Disability Benefits
If you are concerned about the financial strain that your disability has caused, do not wait to apply for disability benefits. Initial applications can take three to six months to review and the Social Security Administration (SSA) statistically only approves one in three initial applications.
It is quite common to receive a denial after your initial application, but you should not be discouraged! A disability representative such as Disability Apply can help guide you through the various steps in the appeals process.
Often times, you may also be denied a second time, but do not lose hope! The next level of appeal will lead to a hearing before a judge, but it is important to note that this step can take almost two years in some cities because of back logs and regional staffing.
- The national average wait is 600 days and could be as high as 800 days in some locations.
While a Social Security Disability representative cannot speed up the process, it is important to note that as many as two-thirds of all individuals who attend a disability hearing WIN their case when utilizing a disability representative such as Disability Apply.
Get Help Proving You Cannot Work
You may be asking yourself why denials are so common. One reason is the SSA utilizes strict guidelines for individuals to qualify for benefits.
To be approved for Social Security Disability benefits, you will need to show that you are incapable of completing the level of work at your most recent job, as well as any less demanding job. The key is to prove you cannot do sedentary work, which can be a challenging feat.
The SSA classifies sedentary work as jobs that are mostly seated, require lifting no more than ten pounds, occasional carrying of light objects, and standing or walking for two hours or less per day.
To prove you cannot do sitting or standing work, the SSA evaluates your claim by preparing a residual functional capacity (RFC) assessment. This detailed report describes what kind of work-related functions you are able to do on a regular, sustained basis.
An RFC is primarily based on medical evidence. Once your RFC is complete, the SSA will determine the type of work you can perform, if any.
If you cannot do sedentary labor but the SSA still denies your disability benefits, call us immediately. We can help you prove to the SSA that you cannot do sedentary labor and increase your chances of being awarded disability benefits. Our agents are skilled in ensuring that you have the necessary evidence to support your claim.
What Happens When You Apply for Disability?
When you apply for Social Security Disability benefits, Social Security representatives will obtain your application along with any related forms that describe your impairments, treatment sources, and other information that is related to the alleged disability.
The field office officials will verify non-medical eligibility requirements such as your age, employment, and marital status. Your application will then be sent to Disability Determination Services (DDS) for evaluation of your disability.
The DDS is responsible for developing medical evidence and rendering the initial determination on whether someone is disabled.
A disability representative such as Disability Apply will help you gather all relevant information and present the information during a hearing. Having a representative that understands the key components of the disability application process and how to provide adequate information will help increase your chances of being approved.
Contact a Social Security Disability Representative
Our Social Security Disability benefits experts are available to help file your claim and guide you through the entire process.
First, call us today at the number above to see if you qualify for disability benefits. Then, we can help guide you throughout the application process and set the path to receive benefits. Let us take the stress out of applying — contact us for Social Security Disability representation today.
Do You Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?
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